
If you believe that your child is being bullied...

  • Don’t ignore the problem – contact the school as soon as possible and work with the staff. Your child’s form tutor or our designated safeguarding officers should be your first point of contact
  • Encourage your child to talk to others and /or staff at the school about his/her feelings
  • Try not to over react!  This may make the situation appear worse to your child and it can even frighten them into silence
  • Ask your child if he/she has any suggestions that would help their situation
  • Help your child develop strategies for dealing with and reporting bullying
  • Seek advice from the websites that are available, these include those listed below


  • Praise your child, tell him/her how much you love them and support them.
  • Try to sort out the bullying at the start, working as constructively as possible with the school.
  • Encourage your child to develop new interests which might lead to a supportive group of friends in school and out of school.

Useful websites:


